electronic docket display solution for courthouses

The latest advances in court case management technology is well beyond the digital Court-Case Look-up. Courts embracing digital transformation are seeking operational efficiencies and stakeholder satisfaction.  Electronic court docket display directory

Court queue management systems are the next step towards a paperless court.

Court queuing systems, optimize cumbersome paper-based workflow through digitally automated customer case flow, in turn driving operating efficiencies and court stakeholder satisfaction. Saving valuable staff time while lowering the court’s Clearance Rate. Ideally, court case queuing systems that manage the case and customer flow from the digital docket to the cashier offers the greatest return on investment

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Pretrial Court Reminder software

Mobile appointment reminder systems, in healthcare, for example, using text and voice to notify and remind patients or clients of appointments has lowered the rate of missed appointments by 30%.

Court date reminder systems using SMS and voice to remind defends of the date and time of their hearing has demonstrated similar results, in lowering failure to appear rates. A New York City pilot program aimed to reduce failure to appear rates and increase collections demonstrated a return on investment of $250,000 court fines and fees by reducing the FTA rate by 36%.

Digital Daily Docket

A digital docket directory display solution can be automated to upload the daily court calendar or manual upload of an excel file, for example.   Court Q™, by QueueMobile for example, offers an integrated SaaS solution, designed with affordability in mind, the day’s docket of cases can be projected on to any browser-based monitor or smart TV, no special hardware required. The Court Q Digital Docket suite includes an integrated check-in kiosk. As a web-based touch screen customers can check-in by looking up their name, case number or citation number.

Benefits of an Integrated Court Queuing Suite

is near seamless customer flow. Customer’s check-in via the kiosk, the digital daily docket updates in real-time, pushing attendances updates to a computerized courtroom case queue management system. Court clerks can easily manipulate and sort the order of cases. Courts that opt to use the virtual court queuing system, can avoid overcrowded and sometimes disruptive courtrooms by sending a text notification to court customers who can now wait for close by in the lobby for example. This is also an excellent way to build permission-based court reminders and case information CRM. The most effective communication and engagement channel for court reminders and mobile collection efforts.

To learn more about high-performance court technology visit the innovators to see what’s in store for the digital courtroom.  Court House TechnologyCourt Q and QueueMobile.

System software


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